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Houston Faces Triple Digit Heat Index After Violent Storms

Weareiowa Com

Drone Captures Major Damage from Tornadoes in Iowa

Houston Faces Triple-Digit Heat Index After Violent Storms

Pella, Iowa - Large Tornado Briefly Touches Down

Aerial footage captured by a drone reveals the extensive damage caused by a large tornado that briefly touched down on Sunday evening just northwest of Pella in eastern Marion County. The Iowa State Police have confirmed that several people have died in the town of Greenfield, a community of about 2000 people. After a relatively slow start to the spring storm season, multiple tornadoes and severe storms have caused widespread damage across the Midwest.

Houston Braces for Extreme Heat

Houston residents are facing a triple-digit heat index after a series of violent storms battered the city. The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory, warning that temperatures could reach up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The storms caused widespread power outages and flooding, leaving many without air conditioning or access to essential services.

The devastation caused by these storms is a reminder of the importance of being prepared for severe weather. Residents should have an emergency plan in place, including a safe place to shelter, a way to communicate with loved ones, and supplies of food and water. They should also stay informed about weather forecasts and warnings.

